How long will alpha two last? (2025)

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Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

BlessedCRS Member, Alpha Two

December 2023 in General Discussion

Just curious on how long you guys think alpha two will last



  • tautau Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    December 2023

    Alpha 2 will last until launch. Beta 1 & 2 will end up running parallel to Alpha 2 close to launch. After launch, The Alpha 2 server will be used as the PTS (Public Test Server) for future expansions and changes.


  • Raven016 Member

    December 2023 edited December 2023

    As long as needed.
    But If I have to guess I will say 18 months. And full release in 24 months.


  • Depraved Member, Alpha Two

    December 2023

    id say a year How long will alpha two last? (6)


  • Ruerik Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    December 2023

    As long as it takes.
    I hope IS doesnt rush any development or testing just to push a partially finished game out through launch.

    How long will alpha two last? (8)

  • BlessedCRS Member, Alpha Two

    December 2023

    tautau wrote: »

    Alpha 2 will last until launch. Beta 1 & 2 will end up running parallel to Alpha 2 close to launch. After launch, The Alpha 2 server will be used as the PTS (Public Test Server) for future expansions and changes.

    Thanks man for the solid information I’m definitely excited to hear that I will be able to play alpha 2 until launch.


  • Tryol Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    December 2023 edited December 2023

    My bet is between 2 to 3 years.


  • Dygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    December 2023

    Keep in mind that the gap between Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 is longer than Steven originally thought it would take them to release the game.

  • Dygz wrote: »

    Keep in mind that the gap between Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 is longer than Steven originally thought it would take them to release the game.

    What they were doing?
    They seem to hire more and more now. They describe how they work reaching milestones...
    in the interview with you he said that the core parts are ready.
    Unless they decide to rework some features or add new things which cannot be moved into an expansion, they have to decide based also on how other competing MMOs are getting ready to release.

  • Unknown

    December 2023

    This content has been removed.

  • Caww Member, Alpha Two

    December 2023

    kieff wrote: »

    5-10 years or unntil he can milk some more people.

    wrong.... that's Star Citizen...


  • Mahes Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    December 2023

    Milk them for what? I thought this was the last monthly offering until release?


  • tautau Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    December 2023

    Ignore @kieff

    He appears to be an uninformed troll. He just started an account, logged in once with a snark comment, and seems to know nothing about the game.

    People like Caww, Dygz and Raven have been around a long time and have a good feel for the development. Click on someone's name to get more information about them. Dygz, for example, has over 8100 posts, over 4100 likes and has been posting for over 4 years.


  • BlessedCRS Member, Alpha Two

    December 2023 edited December 2023

    Mahes wrote: »

    Milk them for what? I thought this was the last monthly offering until release?

    It is i just upgraded my pack they stop selling keys in January i believe i feel like that is a good sign that they're getting very close to release after alpha 2. it shouldn't be such a gap between alpha 2 and open beta and closed beta.

  • TheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    December 2023

    If all goes planned, I would say a year, with hiccups 1 1/2 years. With all the added Dev power and continuing hiring, were seeing them pump out stuff way faster than before, if we do our jobs as testers and give the quality feedback I have no doubt they can complete that time table.

  • Aszkalon Member, Alpha Two

    December 2023

    BlessedCRS wrote: »

    Just curious on how long you guys think alpha two will last

    Hopefully around a Month or so. With different things to test in like every single Week.

    Could be more, though. Could be less. I think the "first" Alpha lasted about Two Months ? I admit i have no Oversight over how it was back then.

    How long will alpha two last? (20)
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon

  • Unknown

    December 2023

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  • Unknown

    December 2023

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  • Undead Canuck Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    December 2023

    A2 will last as long as Steven wants it to.


  • AnimusRex Member

    December 2023

    Taerrik wrote: »

    As long as it takes.
    I hope IS doesnt rush any development or testing just to push a partially finished game out through launch.

    I think anyone with even a passing interest in this game knows that such a request doesn't even need to be asked anymore. At every turn, IS have reiterated, and have shown to be, taking all the time they need.

    If they were going to cut corners to launch, we wouldn't be approaching the 7 year mark and counting.

    The girl watched the last of the creatures die and murmured a soft 'Thank you' to her rescuer.

    The stranger's eyes lifted to the blood red cloud on the horizon.

    'We have to move. It's not safe here.'

  • Veeshan Member, Alpha Two

    December 2023 edited December 2023

    It wil last until the game is completly finished pretty much since Beta 1 and 2 are spose to be super short and be more of a stress test more than anything.
    That being said i estimate probaly 1-2 years and 1 being optimistic (i lean more towards the later half of that estimate) but there many variables we dont know atm like how much is done currently what they got left to do there development speed and how many issues will arise from A2

  • Veeshan Member, Alpha Two

    December 2023

    Raven016 wrote: »

    Dygz wrote: »

    Keep in mind that the gap between Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 is longer than Steven originally thought it would take them to release the game.

    What they were doing?
    They seem to hire more and more now. They describe how they work reaching milestones...
    in the interview with you he said that the core parts are ready.
    Unless they decide to rework some features or add new things which cannot be moved into an expansion, they have to decide based also on how other competing MMOs are getting ready to release.

    well going from unreal 4 to 5 was pretty much a hard reset to some degree on there progress, although doing something a 2nd time is much quicker than doing it the first time so it like a partial restart How long will alpha two last? (27)


  • Enigmatic Sage Member

    December 2023

    Alpha 2 = 12 to 18 months (systems, races and all classes need to be in)

    Beta 1 & 2 = 8 to 12 months (balancing and polishing)

    That's my guess. They may even throw in a short Open Beta Phase for marketing purposes and pre-launch stress testing.

  • daveywavey Member, Alpha Two

    December 2023

    I'm just excited to try making every single member of the Intrepid team, using the Character Creator.

    This link may help you:

    How long will alpha two last? (30)


  • TheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    December 2023

    Enigmatic Sage wrote: »

    Alpha 2 = 12 to 18 months (systems, races and all classes need to be in)

    Beta 1 & 2 = 8 to 12 months (balancing and polishing)

    That's my guess. They may even throw in a short Open Beta Phase for marketing purposes and pre-launch stress testing.

    Beta will not be long, talking weeks, not months. I don't have the quote but pretty sure he has stated this somewhere along the line.


  • Enigmatic Sage Member

    December 2023

    Santanico wrote: »

    Enigmatic Sage wrote: »

    Alpha 2 = 12 to 18 months (systems, races and all classes need to be in)

    Beta 1 & 2 = 8 to 12 months (balancing and polishing)

    That's my guess. They may even throw in a short Open Beta Phase for marketing purposes and pre-launch stress testing.

    Beta will not be long, talking weeks, not months. I don't have the quote but pretty sure he has stated this somewhere along the line.

    You could be surprised how long the accumulative of beta phases could actually take especialy If they're doing a true testing system.

  • Veeshan Member, Alpha Two

    December 2023 edited December 2023

    Enigmatic Sage wrote: »

    Santanico wrote: »

    Enigmatic Sage wrote: »

    Alpha 2 = 12 to 18 months (systems, races and all classes need to be in)

    Beta 1 & 2 = 8 to 12 months (balancing and polishing)

    That's my guess. They may even throw in a short Open Beta Phase for marketing purposes and pre-launch stress testing.

    Beta will not be long, talking weeks, not months. I don't have the quote but pretty sure he has stated this somewhere along the line.

    You could be surprised how long the accumulative of beta phases could actually take especialy If they're doing a true testing system.

    Beta testing
    The Beta-1 and Beta-2 testing phases of Ashes of Creation will be short.[142]

    The game is intended to be feature-complete before Beta-1.[53]
    Content wise, beta will have nearly everything release will have.[143] – Steven Sharif
    Bear McCreary's music will be unveiled in Beta-1.[144]
    Node types will be definitive (finalized).[145]
    Beta testing of Ashes of Creation will be closed.[146]

    Its on the wiki


  • Enigmatic Sage Member

    December 2023

    Veeshan wrote: »

    Enigmatic Sage wrote: »

    Santanico wrote: »

    Enigmatic Sage wrote: »

    Alpha 2 = 12 to 18 months (systems, races and all classes need to be in)

    Beta 1 & 2 = 8 to 12 months (balancing and polishing)

    That's my guess. They may even throw in a short Open Beta Phase for marketing purposes and pre-launch stress testing.

    Beta will not be long, talking weeks, not months. I don't have the quote but pretty sure he has stated this somewhere along the line.

    You could be surprised how long the accumulative of beta phases could actually take especialy If they're doing a true testing system.

    Beta testing
    The Beta-1 and Beta-2 testing phases of Ashes of Creation will be short.[142]

    The game is intended to be feature-complete before Beta-1.[53]
    Content wise, beta will have nearly everything release will have.[143] – Steven Sharif
    Bear McCreary's music will be unveiled in Beta-1.[144]
    Node types will be definitive (finalized).[145]
    Beta testing of Ashes of Creation will be closed.[146]

    Its on the wiki

    Short is relative in comparison to alpha stages. It's why I included Beta 1 & 2 together. Could even see an open Beta phase with it too.

  • RazThemun Member, Alpha Two

    December 2023

    Until launch... That could be one year... two years... three years... you get the idea.

  • nanfoodle Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    December 2023 edited December 2023

    Most well staffed games can get a Reg MMO development in about a year of Alpha 2. Ashes is a game in a scope I have never seen before. The playable game space is about 6 times larger then say WoW that was about 200 square Km. But we are also using tools that speed up production. UE5 is just amazing world building tools and more. It would take someone way in the know to really nail down your question.

  • RocketFarmer Member, Alpha Two

    December 2023

    Two years to get all of the land-based stuffed worked plus another year to nail down the sea-based stuff.

    Issue is they are tackling a huge scope, and there’s time required to do it right.


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How long will alpha two last? (2025)
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