THE WASHINGTON POST THURSDAY DECEMBER 5 190 WANTED EASTERN MANUFACTURER WANTS. capable man to open men's specialty shot store in Washington shoes retailing 250 J350 and manager will run business in fats' own name and have all the' retail profits znustjiave. J2500 cash and unquestionable refs. opportunity for a good man. at Once SHOE MANUFACTURER thls-oiUce.
WE WANT- AGENTS AND SALESMEN in every city and townv on salary or commission only first-class men need apply. THE NATIONAL SELLING CO. 1424 New York ave. HELP. VANTKD LAUNDRESS.
20 LEAVE city rare waitress flS copies general workers butler. 1013 N. Y. aye. LADIES OR GENTLEMEN.
EMFLOY- ed or otherwise knowing or prospective purchasers for. real estate sold on easy payments will find it profitable to address tor full particular CONFIDENTIAL. this MALE. WANTED-A A MAN OF ABILITY AND good appearance as. salesman in grocery trade unusual opportunity for a high- grade man who is capable of handling the.
best trade. and who is not afraid of work give experience. Address BOX 124. thtsoice. WANTED SIX HOTEL WHITE BELL- men.
white helper for baker. BURGESS HOTEL AGENCY. 503 10th St. WANTED TWO Al MEN TO SELL. stocks' of an oil company headed by prominent and honorable men Will of- rer good.
Inducements' to. right parties. Call 7 Colorado Building. WANTED THREE WHITE SECOND cooks for. hotels.
Apply DICKS HOTEL GINCY lth and Pa. are. WANTED BKEAD BAKER. PASTRIES. and tees 108 month teL- the shop also three assistant pastry cooks to-day.
Ap- ily DICKS HOTEL AGENCY lth and Pa. aye. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MY EARN GOOD Income correspoidlng for newspapers food pa for' work In spare tlm no canvassing stud for Particulars. NORTHERN PRESS SYNDICATE. Lockport N.
Y. CABINETMAKERS ONLY THOSE used to antiquo mahogany furniture need apply. YE OLDE CURIOSITY SHOP. 827 14th St. nw.
WANTED IN GOOD CHOIR. SERV- ices of young white. man with tenor voice in exchange for vocal training. from teacher of good Address C. V.
B. this office. WANTED TWO ACTIVE. EDUCATED men weekly salary or guarantee paid best vets required unequaled opportunity for advancement give age. qualifications.
refs. DODD. MEAT CO. New York. FEMALE.
WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL. TO address envelopes and told circulars. Apply immediately ROOM 42. Washington Post Building. WANTED EXPERIENCED TO door canvassers salary guaranteed.
Apply before 9 a. m. LEO. F. BUCHMAN.
iOl stnw WANTED WHITE WOMAN FOR. GENE- ral housework for private family of Pve. 456 st. nw. WANTED EXPERIENCED CASHIERS and.
saleswomen for art. needlework. notion and. toy departments. Apply.
between and 10 a. m. to H. G. JACOBS.
with Woodward Lothrop. WANTED EXPERIENCED NURSE for 2 small children. Inquire for M. Cochran Hotel. LXY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN GOOD Income corresponding for newHpapers good pay tor work In spire time no canvassing nd for pcrtlculars.
NEW YORK PATTERN PARLORS. Dresscutting- Dressmaking. Designing. Ladles' Tailoring and Sewing School. 1220 street.
WANTED-SITUATIONS. WANTPJD PLACES FOR COMPETENT houseman. driver porter. nurse. and housemaid refs.
lot X. Y. ave. MALE. AV ANTED A A EXPERI- onced butler or valet wants situation January in private family good JAPANESE.
Box 55 Annapolis YOUNG WHITE MAX 3 YEARS' EX- perlence with team boilers. wants situation general housework. private. family or hotel. Address P.
D. 928 st. aw. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER- AND clerk. ten years' experience owning machine desires position with legal or Journalistic firm or Congressman.
college and law graduate. Address BOX 122. this office. WANTED BY AN HONEST. RELIA.
ble young colored man. plate as waiter la private family and general housework. CaU. before 12 o'clock. 2317 St.
nw. BUSINESS MAN OP EXPERIENCE. energy. and Integrity desires Washington position highest refs. Address DIPLOMACY this office.
EXPERT STENOGRAPHER. LAW graduate. competent clerk. would like work after 5 evenings. Address BOX 186.
this office. JUNIOR DRUG CLERK WISHES PO- sltlon in first-class drug store 3 years- experience good ret. H. MILLER. 421 th st.
nw. WANTED BY THOROUGHLY RELIA- ble and competent man. charge of a lunch room. or cafe can furnish highest ref. Address S.
T. this office. WANTED-EXPERT STENOGRAPHER. law graduate. competent clerk.
would like work after 5 evenings. Address BOX 180. this office. FEMALE. BY TWO COLORED GIRLS.
places as chambermaid waitress. or to cleih. ft flat part the Call or address st. rtw. WANTED BY RELIABLE COLORED woman.
housework. halt day. or office. store or flats to clean and lady's or gents laundry. call or address 1615 1tfl i t.
nw. WANTED BY COLORED WOMAN. place as laundress to take horns or do put. U28 19th st. uw.
WANTED BY PROFESSIONAL COOK and kitchen maid. situation in private family. 176S et. nw. WANTED PLACE AS MANAGER OR working where cook is kept please state wages paid and work required.
Address HOUSEKEEPER this' office. WANTED BY A COLORED WOMAN. place as first-class cook or laundress. SO gt na. WANTED BY GRADUATE NURSE" care of invalid or as traveling companion refs.
Address GRADUATE. this of- flcq. YOUNG LADY OP SUPERIOR EDUCA- tlon nd experience' desires position as stenographer to Congressman. Address BOX 12ft this office. FIRST-CLASS COOKS CHAMBER- maids nurse for invalid.
janitors. and- butlers furnished at 1200 at. aw. BUSINESS CHANCES Small savings make large Fortunes. 57 each month for.
three years 252. XOO In sold. returned in three years. Here's the Place 516 Eighth el. nw.
DAIRY LUNCH ROOM. CENTRAL LO- ration. well equipped 1000 bargain for quick buyer. CAPITAL BUSINESS EXCHANGE Atlantic Building. WHOLESALELIQUOR BUSINESS prominent cor.
nw. 4000 receipts aver. age KQ daily. CAPITAL BUSINESS EXCHANGE. Atlantic' Bldg.
WHAT IS" THE LOWEST YOU WILL let me have 500 for 30 days I have the bet security money can buy private. party preferred. Address BOX 110. this office. FOR EXCHANGE.
WILL EXCHANGE FOR AUTO The equity of about 82000 In a raluable Jot In. a desirable part of the northwest. 3 square from flupont Circle. on wide street. Car must He in good condition teat tour or' more.
and of a re liable make. Addret giving full description and vhr Interview can be had RARnCIIAXCE this once. POE RENT ROOMS. GOTO FIELDS' RENTAL BUREAU. 717 ISth for fur.
rooms board or flats tree. FURNISHED. LARGE. BRIGHT. WELL HEATED room and one small room w1t1i board.
1517 R. I. ave. Scott. Circle.
IN PRIATE LARGE. HAND- somely fur. front room bay window southern exposure ample closet hot- water heat porcelain bath telephone board It desIred. 1347 Roanolce st. FOR RENT.
FRONT AND OTHER rooms upward central location 5' baths. 410 6th st. nw. THREE NICELY FUR. FRONT rooms southern exposure 1.
h. k. permitted. 2217 Washinton Circle. ST.
NW. LARGE PARLOR BED. room. 1st flocr two floor rooms other rooms transients central. 1429 PA.
AVE. ABOVE WILLARD HO- tel Largo room well heated. for light housekeeping or business. LARGE. WELL-FUR.
ROOM NEXT bath transients accommodated. 17 Grant place. 1443 R. I. AVE.
A LARGE AND SMALL front room single or together telephone In house. FOR. REN WEi-Fuiu SOUTH- front Zd floor- room also smaller front room excellent heat reasonable. 207 st. nw.
LARGE BRIGHT. VERY DESIRABLE front room. 1017 Jith st. nw. terms reasonable.
1004 ST. TWO LARGE. NICELY. furnished bedrooms well heated communicating or separate reasonable. FOR RBNT NICELY FVR.
SECOND-story front rooms southern exposure with or without. board. Apply 111 st. uw. 918 X.
Y. AVE. NICELY FURNISHED well-heated fioor front rooms. WITH PRIVATE FAMILY. HANDSOME story south front.
room adjoining porcelain bath neat cars. 1347 at. FOR RENT GENTLEMEN ONLY- Well fur. clean comfortable rooms well heated central location advance terms. Apply after 4:45 p.
m. 814 13th st. nw. FOR RENT TWO NEWLY. AND BEAU- tituliy fur.
rooms on 2d or 3d floor small private family water neat refs. 1742 st. A LADY ALONE WISHES TO RENT parlor floor with kitchen southern exposure reasonable 158 st. ne. 1339 St.
ADJOINING HAMILTON Hotel. opposite park. en suite or single town guests accommodated. LARGE FRONT ROOM. FUR.
OR UN- fur. watt heat private family ref. exchanged. wS st. w.
IOWA CIRCLE. 1344 VT. NICELY fur. rooms porcelain bath water heat convenient location ret. 1723 ST.
NICELY FUR. SUITES I also single rooms with baths diagonally op. Metropolitan Club transients accommodated. ELEGANTLY FUR. FRONT ROOMS well lighted and heated hot and cold water in- rooms reasonable.
515 Zd st. nw. 17 I ST. NW. FUR.
ROOM suite other rooms continental breakfast refs. Arlington Hotel. 1415 ST. NW. STORY ROOM FOR rent convenient to car lines.
ATTRACTIVE ROOMS 1814 ST. NW. fur. central and reasonable. NICELY FUR.
ZD FLOOR FRONT room near Thomas Circle steam heat. 326 14th st. nw. FOR RENT TWO DESIRABLE FUR. rooms.
3331 Columbia roa 2 WELL-FUR. FLOOR ROOMS. munlcating single or en suite. 1740 S. FOR RENT NEWLY FUR.
ROOM. small family comfortable house. 406 Spruce st. Le Drolt Park. WITH BOARD.
Thousands are coming to the Inauguration of President-elect Theodore Roosevelt March 4. 1903. Proprietors of hotels boarding. and room-renting- houses will find it- to their I advantage to register with our firm which i will obligate it elf to supply boarders or I roomers In sufficient quantities to prove satisfactory. or tee refunded.
Cost of registry only One Dollar 100 Do not delay in registering with us. KINGSLEY I3ELOTE 516 8th st. nw. We refer by permission to the. following- well-known citizens Rev.
S. 11. Newman. First Congregational Church. Rev.
Dr. Sontag. Episcopal Church. Mad. James E.
Bell. Inaugural Ball Comfort Corn. Col. Myron M. Parker.
Republican Nat. Corn. W. 1. Brooks Asst.
Chief Clerk of U. S. Pension Office. Cot. E.
B. Hay. Bond Building. Mr. W.
M. Mooney. SupV of Sup. Dlv. U.
S. P. O. Dept. Admiral Wlnfleld Scott Schley.
U. S. N. Frank H. Thomas Colorado Building.
John Joy Edson. Chairman McKlnly Inauguration Corn. 1800. Harrison Dlugman U. S.
Interior Department. 1740 ST. NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE- Beautiful warm rooms adjoining bath superior table and service refined home. LARGE FLOOR FRONT ROOM with alcove good board and choice surroundings refs. 1606 at.
nw. NEAR CAPITOL ROOMS FOR COU- ples. with excellent table board reasonable prices. 163 Maryland ave. ne.
LARGE WELL HEATED FUR. front- room. with excellent board small family. S03 st. nw.
OVERLOOKING FRANKLIN PARK 1307 Sunny room. bath. home baking home comfort best In market table board. MRS. CHARLES FULLER.
911 18TH ST. nw. Very desirable large front room. with board a few table boarders ac comrnodated. 1224 J5TH ST.
NW. NEXT TO CORNER Mass ave. Rooms with board refs. exchanged. 1328 MASS.
AVE. VERY LARGE 2D floor front room. with board table board terms moderate. 1824 CALIFORNIA AVE. WASH.
HOTS. large front room. with board. 2207 ST. NW.
LARGE FLOOR front room southern exposure choice board Mrenue cars. 1012 14TH ST. NEXT HOTEL COCHRAN Delightful newly fur. rooms. single or en suite superior table.
transients. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS LARGE FRONT room. with board steam heat very reasonable terms. 1354 Yale st. THE GUYSBORO.
2309 17TH. ST. A suite of 3 front rooms with private bath other rooms specially desirable for gentlemen transients. Miss M. E.
NEWTON TWO ELEGANTLY FUR. FLOOR rooms. en suite with board rood home cooking reasonable rates. MRS. TILLMAN Grant place.
11 13TH ST. THE LIVINGSTON- Attractive rooms good table and service porcelain baths refs. telephone. 920 lflH ST. LARGE ROOMS EN suite or single with board private baths.
FUR. WITH OR WITHOUT GOOD home board warm rooms 5 and 6 per week porcelain bath transients 1 per day very central small family adults. 616 at. nw. mi ST.
1 OR 2 PLEASANT ROOMS old. Virginia cooking water filtered and boiled transients taken. FOR RENT WITH BOARD. WELL- fur. rooms 2d floor transients accommodated.
413-17-19 6th st. nw. 909 13TH ST. NEW MANAGEMENT- ON Franklin Square steam heat also table board. MRS.
TERRELL. 1337 ST. NW. ROOMS. SINGLE OR en suite private baths steam heat superior table transients.
ELEGANTLY FUR. FLOOR FRONT rooms. with first-class board well heated. 1204 st. uw.
1302 It ST. OPP. THE SHOREHAM HO- tel Handsome apartments single and en suite high-class house table board. 1 4 ST. NW.
BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. with board convenient to all cars and very central. Id" ST. NW. FUR.
ROOMS SINGLY or en suite with first-class table board Louse and location the best refs. ex. FOR ROOMS. WITH BOARD. VERY LARGE.
WELL-HEATED BOOM for Z. with board also single room wen heated. with large private closet 3 modern baths telephone. 1240 llth st. nw.
NEAR CAPITOL AND B. O. DEPOT nicely fur. rooms first-class- board tourists accommodated moderate. 216 North Capitol st.
1S19- VERMONT AVE. NEAR THOMAS Circle nicely fur. rooms with board superior table board refs. HOTEL ALLIANORE Formerly Hotel Baltimore tor. 15tH at.
and" New York aye. Under new management. Centrally lo cited overlooking White House soil grounds. Thoroughly renovated. Stem I heat.
First-data table. Rates. 1 per day and up. Special Inducement toy families. MRS.
WOtDE. Prop. THE LOGAN Iowa Circle. First-class family hotel stem heat elevator service I 2. and rooms.
with private bath. Moderate rates. Transient accommodation. HOTEL STRATFORD FOURTEENTH ST. AND SHERIDAN AVE.
14th at. ear line from both R. R. stations 12 minutes to business center of city. Steam heat and electric lights thspughcuit large sun parlor.
Pure arte- sUm well water. Billiard and pool rooms tree to guests. 114 MARYLAND AVE. NE. Very desirable rooms permanent or transient near Capitol.
MRS. SHAW. 117 10TII ST. NICELY FtR. ROOMS IN corner house large closets sanitary plumbing good table reasonable rates.
7 13TH ST. NW. THE CUTLER- Choice front rooms. 2d and 3d floors well heated good table moderate. SIS INDIANA AVE.
CENTRAL ON CAR line large rooms. with closets. desks. good table quiet home. i WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD.
1751 ST. NW. PRIVATE FAMILY. adults two handsomely fur. 2d floor front communicating rooms single or en suite bath adjoins refs.
exchanged. NICELY FUR. ROOM IN SMALL PAM. By 150 a week also nicely fur. front room meals If desired.
126th st. ne. near Capitol and Library. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. SUITE OF ROOMS.
WITH PRIVATE bath. steam heat single er en suite. 1256 Columbia road nw. THE BEST ROOMS AND APARTMENTS in the city see our list no charge. THE WASHINGTON ROOM AGENCY.
129 Pa. aye. I UNFURNISHED. FOR RENT 1714 13TH SrT UNFUR. floor rooms all conveniences no children.
WAFTED BOOMS. GENTLEMAN DESIRES NEWLY FUR- nlshed south room in northwest between ho 14th. ant if with board. must be Western or Northern table with cereals and prepared fruits forming large part of fate state terms. Address A.
J. this office. WANTED ROOMS FOR INAUGURA- tlon. Do you want. your rooms filled with good people at excellent prices Write for particulars.
P. O. Box 299. WANTED BY A COUPLE. NO CHIL- dren 3 or 4 fur.
rooms for housekeeping- on 2d floor good location state terms. Address H. O. this office. WANTED--3 3 FUR.
OR UNFUR. ROOMS and bath Columbia Heights preferred. Address W. N. this office.
IF YOU HAVE ROOMS TO RENT CALL and see us we find desirable tenants. THE WASHINGTON ROOM AGENCY. 1229 Pa. ave. nw.
WITH- BOARD. WANTED-ROOMS AND BOARD. IX private family nw by man and wife refs. exchanged in answering state fully. rates.
location size. J. M. B. this office.
SCABBING. SUPERIOR TABLE BOARD OFFERED' two or three desirable guests. in a refined private family very near' the LI. brary and Capitol. Address SELECT.
this office. THE ASTORIA CAFE. 3D AND STS. nw. Under new management special rates by the week.
LOST TWO RIGHT SHOES. BE- tween 3d and Indiana ave and 7th and N. Y. ave. Finder wl1 receive reward by returning to 219 Indiana aye.
LOST TOP OF PEARL BROOCH small diamond In center. Reward if re turned to 27 Randolph Ft. nw. STRAYED FROM IFS YALE ST. DEC.
3 very large gray tiger cat. Reward it turned to above address. LOST IN WOODWARD LOTHROPS store. a black silk bone and silver handle umbrella initials A. K.
K. Finder will please return to 1218 Columbia road and receive liberal reward. STRAYED FROM 1760 CORCORAN ST. brown water spaniel named Fritz Suitable reward. LOST ALLIGATOR POCKETBOOK.
Reward It returned to H. C. WOOTTON. 811 st. nw.
LOST ON CAPITOL HILL. MONDAY. lady's sold hunting-case Elgin watch. Return to S21 N. C.
ave. se. for reward. LOST ALL THE RATS IN OUR ROUSE by BARCLAY the ferret man. 927 La.
ave. PERSONALS. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ACCEPT A 90- day note. for Its spot cash we psv ou for any men's worn garments will call lor that discarded overcoat notes by mall call any hour you say. If you name the day this morning.
JUSTHS OLD STAND 619 D. WANTED-I I WILL PAY HIGHEST cash price for worn garments. ladles' gentlemen's and children's shoes and hats any mount send postal I will call ony hour. J. TARSHES.
1308 7th at nw. Phone North 499. NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY. suite 224 Colorado Building. 14th and sts.
never closed licensed and bonded absolutely reliable and confidential phones office Main 2525 superintendents residence. Main 1369. M. BRADFORD. Supt.
MISS DEMARIS. Manicuring 509 13th ST. nw. Phone 3311 Main. INTELLIGENT AMERICAS WIDOW.
HAND some and worth 60 000 wants good. honest husband. Address AETNA. Oneonta Bldg. Chicago Ill.
WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for Oft clothing. ladles' gentlemen's. Send postal wi4l cal' W. RICE. 1332 7thst.
nw. phone North 1755. WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for off clothes ladles' gentlemen's and children's address postal will call any time. S. BURNSTEIN.
1314 7th at. uw. WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for off clothing. ladles' gentlemen's and children's address postal will call any time. D.
KEBESKY. 1506 7th at. nw. MARIE SIDNEY. Manicuring Miss Carleton.
assistant Scalp and Facial Treatments. Oth st. nw. 2 floor front. Walk In.
MRS. LAWRENCE Manicuring- 508 10th at. nw. Phone Main 4313. MISS BARNES.
Expert Manicure 623 13th et. nw. Phone Main 3571. MRS. BROWNS MANICURING AND Shampooing Parlors.
1220 st. nwfor merly with Dr. V. D. Rosen expert work mcderate charges hours 10 to 6 p.
m. KNOW YOUR PATE AND Mme. Rita. astrologer. palmist and card reader located at 723 9th at.
nw. fee. So and 6Oc bazaars and parties attended. FOR'S SALE-HOUSES. FOR SALE-HOUSES.
on St. several delightful residences. Prices. 12500 to 520000. Each.
Is up to date. aye. from Dvpont Circle to Sheridan Circle. Prices 14000 to 30000. Rhode Island aye.
from 4th to Coon. aye. Prices. 15000 to 20000. It St.
near Jlass. are. 511500. I list St. near Mass.
ave. llf00. ISth st. near Man. aye.
20000. St. near 18th. two swell residences. Prices.
13000 and 15000. et. near New Hampshire aye. 9500. California ave.
new Sac location. splendid outlook. Price. 15000. Rhode Island aye.
near Coon. aye. Price. 10000. Washington Heights property from 7000 to 150000.
Columbia Heights. 5000 to 530000. Each of the properties above 1 modern. well built. and can be INSPECTED BY PERMIT PROM THIS OFFICE.
BLUNDON O'BRIEN BELT Inc. 1220 St. Nw. Phones Maine 5204 1205. FOR SALE-HOUSES.
HOUSES IN ALL SECTIONS. OF EVERY SIZE OF EVERY STYLE AT EVERY PRICE ON ALL SORTS OF TERMS. Our list of properties la the catalogue of I he best real estate values on the Washington market to-day. Owners eeek this outlet for their property. They know our fe- duties for exploiting It.
Thy know that If the' price Is right well feature the property prominently enough to find an Immediate buyer. The record of this office is for quick tales and the tales are quick because the slues Ire Important. CALL FOIl A LIST. MOORE HILL Inc. :17 14TH ST.
NW. FOR SALE- If You Want A HOME OR INVESTMENT at any price. In any section. You will say. time and money by appljlni to us.
STONE FAIRFAX SOS STREET NW. Only. 4000. Rented for 444 per annum. New two-story brldt flat of good width.
Two stories brick. In best renting section of SE. on wide street. nach flat has five large rooms with outside light In each room and tiled baths. Coal and gas ranges.
Separate furnace for each flat. Large concrete cellar. Rooms nicely papered and hand decorated. Splendid cabinet mantels. Plate glass norm oars Separate entrances for each flat.
Rent Is figured on a low basis. On cu line. JOSEPH I. WELLER Realty Broker. 602 at.
nw. A PROPOSITION ON Ontario Ave. and Columbia Road Washington Heights. Two very deslrable corner houses will be fin. label In accordance with the taste of the purchaser.
If contracted for within a few days. I will be pleased to meet any one Interested la the above by appointment at the property. CHAS. B. FONDA 13:3 ST.
built home nine rooms modern bath 21st and SIS. 3250. ELDRIDGE E. JORDAN 1314 St. phone 1777.
Fort SALE FOR 370 TWO SQUARES WEST of Dupont Circle room' houte 21000 ash. bal- anco to suit. 1408 HOPKINS ST. near Ob and P. V.
CORNER OX WASH. HTS. WEST i of Columbia road built for a home south and east exposure 13 large rooms 2 baths water heat kitchen 1st floor I house was built In last 5 years let us show it to you. TIIOS J. FISHER CO.
I HOW TO BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD I on 100 to 200 cash and 20 to 25 monthly for full particulars drop postal. telephone or call for new handsomely illus. trated page booklet of Connecticut Ave. nue Highlands. FULTON R.
GORDON. 613 14th nw. tel. main. 529.
APARTMENTS. In Modern Buildings. Bachelor apartments and doctors' offices. 818 17th st. Conn.
ave. at. Apartments. Don Carlos. 2007 at.
The Valols 1330 Mass ave. Office suite tour rooms. Second floor 611 14th St. 100. Westcott Story 816 17th at.
no6Stuthlmo FOR RENT THE WICOMICO. 223 N. J. ave. nw.
Bachelor apartments. 2 a and bath. furnished complete. 30 per mo. rooms and bath.
40 per mo. 6 rooms and bath. 4750 per mo. Leases for at least six months. Ring Janitors bell.
first floor vestibule. GASCI BIRGE 1326 N. Y. ave. THE 2 2 ROOMS AND cabinet kitchen 10.
12. 15 steam heat elegant baths public laundry Janitor service telephone. refs. required 12th and Maryland ave. sw.
KARRICK METCALF. 1333 st THE CHAPIN 1415 CRA1IN STREET. Call up the manager' of The Chapln North 2304 ant ask him about the beautiful 2 and 8 room aptrtmenu with or without board. fur. or unrur.
Yald. service free. FOR BENT OFFICES. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS IN THE Evans Bids. HIS to 1424 New York ave.
nw. most centrally located rental very low. JOHN O. EvANS. 1424 New York ave.
BLISS BLDG. 35 ST. VERT DE- slrable offices facing Capitol. with heat light and janitor service. from 53 per month up HORSES AND VEHICLES.
MUST BE SOLD TO SAVE Five' carriages belonging to diplomats and Senators who have left city grand i tired extension front brougham. good as new rrand tired broug- i ham. cost 1630 Brewster tired brougham very light one-horse extension front brougham elegant Victoria also light one-horse' Victoria tandem cart. Kentucky brake cart. Hackney cart.
and horse show cart wagonette seating six i Brewster tea cart. seats four lady's cut- under trap. under runabout with rumjjle Brewster coupe roekaway also. twenty other carriages by best makers all good as new also. imported double coach.
1 coupe trap and runabout harness ladles' and gents saddles and bridles coachmen's livery 2 grand. cinnamon bear robes also. 2 stylish pony traps and hat- ness also. a fine automobile seats four people all can be seen at YILLARD AUTOMOBILE STORAGE CO. 400 to 408 14th st.
nw. two blocks below Pa. ave. 1 carriages stored and sold. 2- per month.
WANTED- THOROUGHBRED MUST be sound. quiet. and levelheaded of good conformation and able to carry weight. with no vices. and cheap give full description.
age. Address HORSEMAN. Centerville FOR SALE A FEW HORSES AND mules cheap. Apply 007 Colorado Building. FOR SALE 8 LARGE DRAFT HORSES can be seen any day this week at the Union Trust and Storage Co.
1st and 515. ne. WANTED-2 2 HEAVY COACH MARES suitable for farm work must be cheap kind treatment guaranteed. Address. stating price and weight.
A. A. F. this office. SPECIAL SALE.
AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. OP broughams station wagons and rockaways of latest designs just received at THOS. E. YOUNG'S REPOSITORY. 4 4 and 4 Pa.
av It will Interest yoU to call and see th bargains offers. A large stock business and delivery wagons on band. FINE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS IN THE MARION THE REGINA. STODDARD. THE Q.
AND THE HANDSOMELY FURNISHED APARTMENTS IN THE PORTLAND. 125 Pa nw J100 Sw cor 8th and ow 2d and Sd 9ooritlOO 11 ow. It 3d fs55 502 it nw 14 to 30 Se eec 12th and nw J15 to 50 1411. nw. lr.
15 to 50 Century Bld 125 620 nw 25 1421 nw J15 OFFICES. 1208 ow room 410 1118 nwRm 7110 182' av nw Cr iS floor J25 1423 nw J8-I16 7 7th nw 145 1208 ow Room 3110 Sw cor llth and its ow Room 4 12 Room 15. Room U. 4 tXSrRPASSED FACILITIES FOR THE COLLECTION" OF RENTS FROM ALL CLASSES OF PROPERTY. As the above Is only part of the list of properties under our charge.
we 111 gladly furnish complete bulletins on application being made at this of flee or by mall. THOMAS J. FISHER CO. Inc. 1414 ST.
NW. adjoining The New WllUrd TWO BROWN STONE RESIDENCES ON NEW HAMPSHIRE' AVE. One block from at. ear line delightful location best neighborhood housee newly renovated throughout each contains 14 rooms with 2 tiled betha water heat. 1824 N.
H. AVE. 14 ROOMS 2 BATHS 8 1522 N. H. AVE.
14 ROOMS. 2 BATHS 75 Key at Pharmacy in me block. See ALOYZO O. BLISS. Owner Bliss Building 85 Et.
OW. FOR REST- 611 Whitney are. ow. room and bath flat 20. 117 It.
nw. 6 rooms. 1830. 101 Bowen road. D.
C. large. lovely dwelling and about 96 acres of good land. 40. Furnished-AA room and bath brick.
on it. near st. so. 40. CAYWOOD GARRETT 1231 York ave.
nw. JAS. M. YORK SON 910 at. ow.
McGlll Bide. 1507 at. nw. 10 lure rooms. 2 tiled baths butlers pantry and cellar 5550.
514 it. Capitol t. room and porcelain bath brick newly papered and painted 4250. TaUoma Park. good room and bath frame near electric cars 2050.
FOR RENT COLORED TENANTS OF best cla new. family apartments 4 and 5 rooms. bath 15 to 77. 27th and Va. five.
nw. KARRICK METCALF. 1333 st. FOR RENT 332 ST. NE.
9 ROOMS. bath. and cellar 3. A. C.
residence. 916 at. nw. 4050 per mo. Inquire of C.
H. WARNER. 929 9th st. FURNISHED. FUR.
ROOM HOUSE TILED BATHS ow. 55. It owner keeps room bargain. CARRIER 33. GEORGETOWN REAL ESTATE.
Some splendid homes and promising investment propositions that merit the attention of all who are looking for gilt edge" real estate values. Three handsome story homes on St. near Washington Circle. Price each 7109 room tram houses on 29th it near it. Price each.
1300 room frame house on 24th St. terrace deep yard side entrance. A bargain at. 1500 The Shoemaker Real Co. MAIN OFFICE.
1ST WARD BRANCH. 1323 lCd it. Pa. aye. and Rock Creek.
Phone West 40. Phone West 644. WANTED-HOUSES. DO YOU WISH TO SELL YOUR RESI- dence I have several customers for houses ranging In price from 8000 to 13000 you can lose nothing by sending- description and price. and it may result in a quick sale.
ELDRXDGE E. JORDAN. Real Estate Agent 1314 st. nw. Money to loan.
Lst your houses lots suburban places and farms with us and we will sell or rent them at once. Glvo us a trial sod be convinced. ATKINSON BALLARD CO. Inc. Real Estate Loins end Insurance 1411 St.
N. W. FOR SUBURBAN. CHANCE FOR SUBDIVISION. A beautiful tract of land on car lint.
In north- west section of District containing five acres abutting water. sewer. and gas that will subdivide perfectly can be purchased at a low price. Small rented houses taken In part payment. Land la clear.
title perfect examination furnished. See us soon. A. F. FOX CO.
820- ST. NW. A FINE PROPERTY AT TENNALLY- town cheap for cash. ALEX. J.
WEDDERBURN IMP. CO. 1423 St. HOW TO BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD on 100 to 201 cash and 20 to 25 monthly for full particulars drop postal telephone or call for new handsomely Illustrated page booklet of Connecticut Aye- nue Highland FULTON R. GORDON.
613 14th nw. tel. main. 629. LYPEWRITING WANTED TYPEWRITING CENTS A page carbon copies free accurate.
Address H. 1. thly office. TYPEWRITING AND STENOGRAPHY. Dictation taken anywhere In the city by experienced stenographers who are graduates in lair typewriting done' at home manuscripts in roagl draft revised and corrected letters mimeographed night work a specialty.
Address STENO. this of flee. STOP AND DICTATE YOUR LETTERS and other papers to M. R. Nourse.
stenographer and typewriter 415 Colorado Building. and have them sent around to your office. DENTISTRY. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES NO EX- trading jio pain feel. act.
and Ust longer than natural teeth shrunken faces made normal painless filling. Dr. J. WILSON. 1203 St.
LEFTWICH SINCLAIR. In In the Supreme Court of the Dlstnct of Columbia. holding a. District Court In the matter of the opening- of connecting- highways on the east and west sides of the Zoological ark. In the District of Columbia.
No. 630. District Court docket. Notice Is here- given that the- Commissioners of the District of Columbia pursuant to the provisions of an act of Congress approved April 28. 1904.
entitled An act for the opening of connecting highways on. the east and west sides of the Zoological ark. District of Columbia. have filed a petition In this court. praying the condemnation of the land necessary for connecting- the north end of Adams Mill road.
n. Lanler Heights' with the south end of ark road. In Ingleslde by a highway fifty feet wide. along or near the- eastern boundary of the Zoological Park. and also or connecting- Cathedral avenue with Kiingle road by a highway fifty feet wide.
along or near the. western boundary of the Zoological Park in accordance with certain plans OR file In the office of the Engineer Commissioner of the District or Columbia. as shown on a plat or map prepared by the said Commissioners and annexed to their said petition and marked Exhibit No. 1 and praying also. that a Jury of seven judicious.
disinterested men. not related to any person In- tereted In these proceedings. and not In the service or employment of the District of Columbia or of the United States be ummoned by the United States Marshal for the District of Columbia to assess the damages each owner of land taken may sustain by reason of the opening of the aforesaid connecting highways and the condemnation of the land necessary for the purposes' of such opening and to assess- the benefits resulting tierefrom as provided In the aforesaid of Congress. is by the court tluir 7th day of December A. D.
1904. ordered that all persons having any Interest In the proceedings herein be and they are hereby warned and required to appear In this court on or before the 16TH DAY OF JANUARY. A. D. 1905.
at 10 o'clock a. m. and continue In attendance until the court shalLJiave made its final order ratifying and confirming the award of damages and the assessment of benefits of the Jury be Impaneled and sworn herein and It further ordered that a copy of this notice and order be published once In the Washington Law Reporter and on six secular days In the Evening Star. The Washington Post- and the Washington Times. newspapers published In said District before the said 16th day of January A.
D. 1905. It is further ordered that a copy of this notice and order be served by the United States Marshal for said District. or his deputies upon such own- era of the land to be condemned as may be found by said Marshal within the District of Columbia. before the said 16th day of January A.
D. 1905. By the court ASHLEY M. GOULD. Justice.
A true copy. Test Seal J. R. YOUNG. Clerk R.
J. MEIGS. Jr. Assistant Clerk. d8-d6t IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT of Columbia Daniel Daly et al.
vs. Margaret Daly. et U. Equity No. 24596.
This cause being referred to me to state the account or the trustees and distribution of the funds In their hands. notice Is hereby given that I will proceed with the ret- erence on SATURDAY. DECEMBER 17 1904 at 10 o'clock a. tn. to the auditors room In the United States Courthouse In this city.
AU per- sons having claims against the estate of Carroll Daly deceased. are notified to present the um. with proofs at the said time and place. JAMES O. PAYNE.
Auditor. deS1215 SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF CO. lumbla. holding a Probate Court No. 12539 Administration.
This Is to give notice that the subscriber of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters testamentary on the estate of Virginia A. Cumlng. late of the District of Columbia. deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are Hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouch- era thereof legally authenticated.
to the subscrib er on or before the BTH DAY OF DECEMBER. A. D. 1905 otherwise they may by law excluded from 11 benefits of said estate. Given under my Sand this Tth day of December 1904.
FRANK RAWLJNOS. 1505 Pa. ave. ow. JAMES TANNER Register of Wills for the District of Columbia.
Clerk of the Probate Court. Attest Seal. EUGENE A. JONES Attorney. 22 SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF CO.
lumbla. holding a Probate Court No. 12523 Administration. This Is to live notice that the subscriber of the District of Columbia. has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters of administration on the estate of Nathaniel E.
Thompson. otherwise known as Etbrldge N. Thompson late of the District of Columbia. decen. ed.
AU persons having claims against the de. ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same. with the vouchers thereof. legally authenticated. to the subscriber on or before the 17TH DAY OF NOVEMBER D.
1905. otherwise they may by law he excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this Tth day of December. 1904. WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY.
By ANDREW PARKER. Treasurer JAMES TANNER Register of Wills for of Columbia Clerk of the Probate Court. Attest Seal. JOHN B. LARNER Attorney.
23 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia J. Walter Jett complainant vs. The Unknown Heirs or Devisees of Verona Worth also known as Ferona Wlrth defendants. In Equity. No.
24747. The object of this suit la to obtain partition by' sale of original lot numbered eleven 11 In square numbered seven hundred and seventy-eight 778 In the city of Washington District of Columbia according to the plat or plan of said city on file to the office of the surveyor of said District. On motion of the complainant. It Is this 28th day of September A. D.
1901 ordered that the defendants the unknown heirs or devisees of Verona Worth also known as Ferona Wlrth cause their appearance to be entered herein on or before the first rule day of the court. exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays occurring three months after the date of the first publication of this order. otherwise the. cause will proceeded with as In case of de fault provided a copy of this order be published twice a month during said period of three months. In the Washington Law Reporter and The Wash ington Post.
HARRY Y. CLABAUGH Chief Justice. A true copy Test Seat. J. R.
YOUNG. Clerk. By W. LATIMER. Assistant Cleric.
TUCKER KENYON. Solicitors. 8 MISCELLANEOUS. CARPETS CLEANED ON OR OFF THE floor and colors restored spots removed carpets steam cleaned carpet lay In 508 nth et. nw.
Phone Main 2047. Mc- CREARYS I BUY OR SELL DIAMONDS. RUBIES. sapphires emeralds watches. old gold.
silver pawn tickets and other Jewelry. ABRAHAMS. and Diamond Broker 433 9th at. nw. WANTED.
WANTED POOL TABLE GOOD CON- dltlon regulation size. Address BOX 123 this office. WANTED FURNITURE STOVES. AWl upright pianos for cash sell your goods to tha man who gives you the most moneyi furniture packed for shipment. HOPWOOD 8th and sts.
WANTED FURNITURE TO FILL 300- roomhotel 20 per cent. above market. contents of houses mention articles. SAYMAN. 1323 N.
Y. ave. phone M. 2455. OLD GOLD AND SILVER.
Watches. diamonds and Jewelry of every description bought for the highest cash price. J. SELINGER. 816 at.
nw. FOR SALE. FOR SALE HAND FURNACE. IN good condition 25. Apply COSTELLO.
6th and sts. nw. FOR- SALE Wo SET CENTURY DIC- tlonary with Jo case for 60. L. P.
BUTLER. Fort Myer Va FOR SALE ORIGINAL WHITE HOUSE piano. superb Instrument antique clock spinning wheel caned hall chairs njahog- any dining- chairs. dining tables chest of drawers. Gettysburg battlefield peach wood gavels.
with original bullets shot therein during the war also secret drawer mahogany secretary. and chest of drawers. very rare magnificent antique vases mahogany wine cabinet. all cheap for cash. 2027 I at.
nw. FOR SALE CHEAP LEAVING CITY- 6 solid mahogany dining chairs. large mahogany dresser and bed. brass beds. Iron beds.
hair mattresses chlftonieres leather couches mirrors i wardrobe. dressers ladles' desks. musrc cabinets gold parlor cabinets rockers- library ta bles. rugs. bookcases.
1323 N. Y. ave. nw. FOR SALE AN ESTABLISHED SHEET metal business complete In every detail cheap rent.
big building excellent territory and good will of concern work- ins' in connection with It. Will sell at a bargain good reason for disposal. It will pay you to investigate answer quickly. Address BOX 146 Charlotte N. C.
ESTABLISHED 1650. BURNSTINES LOAN OFFICE. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. Uvney loaned on gold. silver watches.
diamonds. Jewelry mechanical tools men's apparel. Gold and silver bought. Unredeemed pledge. for sal FOR EEITT TYPEWRITERS.
RENT OLIVER TYPEWRITERS CONDITION guaranteed with stand two months to apply on purchase of new machine limited free ns of our machines In this office to operators of other ml. chin. and others qualified. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY. 1337 Pa.
ave. ow. FOR SALE LOTS. CAROLENA LOTS FOR. CHRISTMAS presents the best you can give 5.
1423 at AUCTION i TRUSTEES' BALE OF IMPROVED PROPERTY SITUATE IN GARFIELD. D. C. By virtue of a certain deed of trust recorded In llher 7710. at folio 390 et seq.
one of the land record of theDistrict of Columbia and It the re quest of the party secured thereby. I will sell at public auction at the auction rooms of Thomas 3. Owen. No. 13 9' street northwest Washington D.
C. on MONDAY December 12 1 4. 2 o'clock p. oh. the following-described land and premises situate In the county of Washington.
District of Columbia distinguished as lot numbered four 4 in George E. Emmons subdivision of part of Clii chester. now called as per plat thereof recorded In liber Governor Shepherd. folio 151 of the surveyors of. the District of Co lumbis.
Terms made known at time of sue. de7. 310u T. W. STUBBLEF1ELD Trustee POST-OFFICE NOTICE.
Should be read dally as chances may occur at any time. FoRElGN MAILS are dispatched to the of sailing dally and the schedule of closings la arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. For the week ending December 10. 1904. the lust connecting closes will be made from th MAIN OFFICE as follows Trans-Atlantic Mails.
FRIDAY At 2:10 p. us. for AZORES ISLANDS per B. Romanic from Boston at 7:15 p. in.
for EUROPE per Etruria front New York. via Queenstcwn and Liverpool a at 7:15 p. m. for EUROPE. per a.
Mlnnehaha. from New York via Southampton at 11:45 p. m. for BELGIUM direct per t. a.
Finland from New Yorkkmall must be directed per a. a. Finland" at p. m. for ITALY direct per a.
Neckar. from New York mall must be directed per a. a. Neckar" at 11:45 p. m.
for ITALY direct. per a. a. Llgurta from New York mall must be directed per a. 5.
Llguria" Mails for South and Central America West Indies THURSDAY At 11:45 p. ni. for YUCATAN and CAMPECHE. per a. Dxggry.
Scorn New- York at 11:45 p. m. for the BA. HtMAS per u. a.
Yucatsn irons New York mall for the PROVINCE OF SANTIAGO CUBA must be directed per a. u. Yucatan" FRIDAY At p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND per a.
B. Carthaginian from Phila delphia at 51:43 p. in. for PORTO RICO CURACAO and VENEZUELA per s. 5.
Caracas. from New York mall for COLOMBIA via Curs- eao must be directed per a. a. Caracas" at 11:45 p. Zn.
for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. and COLOMBIA. except Magdalena Department per 5. a.
Slblrla from New York mall for COSTA RICA via Limon must be directed per a. s. Slblrla" at 11:48 p. m. for BERMUDA.
FontabeUe. from New York mall for GRENADA and TRINIDAD must be directed per a. a. Fontabelle" a at 7:15 p. rn.
for ARGENTINA URUGUAY. and PARAGUAY per B. a. Arablstan from New York. MEXICO overland.
unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamers sailing from New York. close here dally at 10:06 a. 01. and 10 9. 01.
CUBA MAILS close here at 3 p. en. on Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays. via Port Tampa.
Fla. pK and at 10 p. ne. on Thursdays. via New Or.
leans. La. also via New York N. Y. on Wednesdays at 11:45 p.
m. NEWFOUNDLAND. by rail to North Sydney and thence via steamer close here dally except Sundays at 2:30 p. m. and on Sundays at 11:80 a.
m. the connecting closes. being on Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays. JAMAICA.
by rail to Boston and thence via steamer close here at 2:30 p. rn. on Tuesdays and on Wednesdays at 10:30 p. m. by rail to Philadelphia and thence via steamer.
MIQUELON by tall to Boston and thence via steamer close here dally except Sundays at 2:30 p. m. and on Sundays at 11:30 a. m. BRITISH HONDURAS.
HONDURAS except East Coast and GUATEMALA by rail to New Orleans La. and thence via steamer close here dilly at 10:05 a. m. and 10 p. in.
the connecting close being on Mondays. COSTA RICA. by rail to New Orleans and thence via steamer close here dally at 10:05 a. m. end 10 p.
m. the connecting closes being on Tuesdays. NICARAGUA East Coast by rail to New Orleans and thence via steamer close here dally at 10:05 a. m. and 10 p.
m. the connecting closes being on Thursdays. Trans-Pacific Mails. HAWAII. JAPAN.
KOREA CHINA. and the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS via San Francisco close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to December fo dispatch per s. Gaelic.
a HAWAII JAPAN KOREA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS via San Francisco close here dally at 6:30 p. ni. up to December 13 for dispatch per a. a. Siberia.
a AUSTRALIA except malls for West Australia NEW ZEALAND. NEW CALEDONIA SAMOA. HAWAII and FIJI ISLANDS via San Francisco close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to December 17 for dispatch per B.
5. Ventura. a JAPAN. KOREA. CHINA.
and PHILIPPINEISL ANDS via Tacoma. close here dally at 6:30 p. in up to December 16 for dispatch per a. a. Yang- tsye.
JAPAN except Parcels Post Malls KOREA CHINA. and specially addressed mall for the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS via Vancouver and Victoria B. C. close here dally at 6:30 p. m.
up to December 20 for dispatch per 5. B. Emprgss of India. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS via San Francisco close her dally at 6:30 p. m.
up to- December 26. for dispatch per a. s. Mariposa. a PHILIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM via San Francisco close here dally at 6:30 p.
m. up to De cember 26 for dispatch per United States transport a AUSTRALIA except malls for West Australia FIJI ISLANDS. and NEW CALEDONIA. via Van. couver and Victoria B.
C. close here dally at 6:30 p. in. up to December 31 for dispatch per e. Aorangl.
NOTE Mails for COCHIN CHINA ar dispatched to New York N. T. for connection with European steamers. Malls for MANCHURIA except Nluchwang and EASTERN SIBERIA will be dispatched to New York. N.
Y. until further notice for transmission via Russia. Instead of via Japan. the usual route. Unless otherwise addressed.
WEST AUSTRALIA MAILS will be dispatched via Europe those for NEW ZEALAND. via San Francisco' and those for certain places In the CHINESE PROVINCE OF YUNNAN via British India the quickest routes. Malls for the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS specially addressed Via Europe. must fully prepaid at the foreign rate of postage. Mall for HAWAII are dispatched via San Francisco Cal.
exclusively. REGISTERED MAILS close at the MAIN OFplCv as follows a at 8:30 p. m. same day at 1:45 p. TO.
same day at 45 p. m. same day at 5:10 a. in. same day at 5:45 p.
m. same day at 9:85 a. so. same day Ii at 1:15 p. in.
same day at S' 5 p. in. previous day at 1:30 p. m. previous day at 6-30 p.
in. second previous day it 630 m. previous day a at 6:45 p. previous day. JOHN A.
NERRITU. Postmaster. WINDOW SHADES. BEST QUALITY OIL OPAQUE WIN- dow shades. 50c Scotch Holland shades Thc all shades lump free will call with samples.
KLEEBLATTS. nth and tie. SAILEOADS. CHESAPEAKE OHIO RY. Schedule Effective November 30 1904.
Trains leave Pennsylvania Station. 2:30 P. M. Dally CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS SPECIAL.
Solid vestibuled lighted Dining Car Train to Cincinnati. reaches Cincinnati 8 a. 01. Louisville 11:00 a. in.
St. Louts 6:28 p. m. Chicago 6:30 p. m.
Pullman Sleepers to Louisville. Cincinnati. Indianapolis Chicago and St. Louis. Connection for Virginia Hot Springs.
Dining Car from Washington meals a la carte. 3110 P. Ii. Dally K. P.
V. LIMITED. Solid yes. tlbuled. lighted Dining Car Train to Cincinnati.
Pullman Sleepers to Cincinnati. Lexington and Louisville without change. Compartment Sleeper to Virginia Hot Springs dally except Sunday. Sleepers Cincinnati to Chicago and St. Louis.
Dining-car Service meals a la carte. Reservation and tickets at Chesapeake and Ohio Office. 613 Pennsylvania avenue 609 Fourteenth street near F. and at the station. Telephone cs4l 1640 for Pennsylvania R.
R. Cab Service. H. W. FULLER.
Telephone. Main 1066. General Passenger Agent. NORFOLK AND WESTERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE- IN EFFECT DEC 3.
1904. Leave Washington. r. R. R.
Station. Sixth and 735 a. m. Dally All points on Norfolk and rn also Knoxville. Chattanooga.
and m- 1000 p. m. Dally Roanoke Bristol. Winston. Salem.
Knoxville. Chattanooga Nashville. Hem- plus New Orleans Through Sleepers Cafe Cars. For Norfolk Leave Washington 4:30 a. in.
dilly 60 a. in. dally. 3:45 p. in.
daily. Arrive Norfolk 11:20 a. in. p. m.
10:20 p. in. From B. O. Station 4:05 p.
in. dally. Berry. yule Luray Shenandoah. Trains from the South- west arrive Pennsylvania Station 8:62 a.
in. and AllI informatlon 14tn at and. N. Y. ave.
Bond Building WASHINGTON SOUTHERN RAILWAY. For Richmond. Vi. anti points South. via Alexandria and Frederlcksburg Leave Station.
6th and streets. 4:30 a. in. and 3:45 p. m.
dally for Richmond and points on Atlantic Coast Line and Florida. 10:50 a. in. and 6:25 p. at.
dally for Richmond and points on Seaboard Air Line Railway and Florida 10:50 a. in. train due to connect at Richmond with Q. ft O. Ry.
for Newport News Old Point. c. 7:40 a. m. week days.
4:50 p. m. dally for Richmond only. Pullman or parlor cats on all above trains. exc pt trains leaving at 7:40 a.
in. week days. for Quantlco 7:40 a in. Sunday only 5 p. in.
weekdays 1:15 p. in. except Saturday. Time of arrivals and departures and connections not guaranteed. W.
W. P. TAYLOR. n. Man.
List. Gen. Man. Traf. Mao.
Richmond. Va. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Ticket Office 3423 Perrna. Ave.
For Petersburg. Raleigh. Wilmington. Columbia. Savannah- Jacksonville Tampa Atlanta Binning.
ham Mobile Pensacola. and New Orleans. 10:50 A. M. DAILY Seaboard Mail Through Pullman Buffet Sleepers to Tampa.
FU" connecting at Hamlet with Pullman Sleeper toAtlanta 6:25 M. DAILY Seaboard Express Solid train to Jacksonville and Tampa. with Pullman Sleepers through to Atlanta. Jacksonville and Tampa. Cat Dining cars.
Washington to Richmond. Va. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Transcontinental rout. to the Canadian and United States Northwest.
connecting at Vancouver with til finest lines of steamers on the Pacific or Chins. Japan. Philippines. FIJI. Honolulu.
Aus. tralia and New Zealand. For rates and Information apply to D. H. MORSE F.
P. A. 543 st. and New York at. Bond Building.
EAHEOADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Station corner of Sixth and streets A. M. daily.
PITTSBURG EXPRESS AND CHICAGO SPECIAL. Parlor and Ulnfn Cars on Chicago Special Harrisburg to Plttsburg. Connects for Chicago. Indianapolis. Louisville and St.
Louis. Buffet Broiler Parlor Car to Harrisburg. 10:50 A. It daily. THE PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED.
Pullman Sleeping Dining Smoking and Observation Cars from Harrisburg. For Chicago Cleveland Toledo and Detroit. Buffet Parlor Car to Harrisburg. 10:51) A. M.
daily. ST. LOUIS Sleeping Dining Smoking. and Observation cars Harrisburg to Cincinnati. In.
dianapolis and St. Louis. Buffet Parlor Car to Harrisburg. 10:50 A. M.
daily. MAIN LINE EXPRESS. Pullman Buffet Parlor Car to Harrisburg. Buffet Parlor Car Harrisburg to Pittsburg. 3:30 P.
M. dally. CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS EXPRESS. Sleeping tnd Dining Cars Washington to St.
Louis. Harrisburg- to Chicago Indianapolis St. Louis. and Nashville via Cincinnati and Louisville Parlor Car to Harrisburg. 5:40 P.
daily. CHICAGO Sleeping. Smoking. Dining. and Ob erva.
tlon cars Harrisburg to Chicago Toledo and Cleveland. Parlor Car to Harrisburg. 7:15 P. M. Ily.
ST. LOUTS Pullman Sleeping Car Harrisburg to St. Louis and Cincinnati. 7:43 P. M.
dally. WESTERN Pullman Sleeping Car to Plttsburg and Chicago Dining Car to Chicago. 7:43 P. M. daily.
CLEVELAND AND CINCINNATI EXPRESS. Pullman Sleeping Cars Washington to Harrisburg and Harrisburg to Cleveland and Cincinnati Dining Car. 10:40 P. M. dally PACIFIC Pullman Sleeping Car to Pittsburg.
Connects for Toledo. 7g A. Iii. daily. BUFFALO DAY EX.
PRESS. with through Cafe Car. Parlor Car. and Coaches to Buffalo via Emporium Junction. 7:50 A.
M. for Kane. Canandaigun Rochester and Niagara Palls dally except Sunday. 10:50 A. M.
for Elmira and Renovo dally except Sunday For WllUamsport daily 3 30 P. AT. 7:15 P. M. dally.
BUFFALO NIGHT EXPRESS with through Buffet Sleeping Car and Coaches to Buffalo via Emporium Junction. 7:45 P. M. dally for Erie for Rochester. Buffalo and Niagara Falls dally except Saturday with Sleeping Car Washington to Rochester.
10:40 P. M. for Erie. Canandaigua. Rochester Buffalo and Niagara Falls daily.
Pullman Sleeping Car Washington to Rochester Saturdays only For- Philadelphia New York and the East 4:00 P. It. CONGRESSIONAL LIMITED for New York only daily all Parlor Cars Dining Car. Express. 6:55 8:50.
10:00 New York only and 11:00 A. M. 12:35 3:15. 4:45. 6:50.
10:00 P. M. 12:30 night. On Sundays 8:50 11:00 A. M.
12:01. 3:15. 4:45. 8:50 and 10:00 P. M.
12 30 night. For Philadelphia only. Express 7:40. 10:00 A. M.
12:01 P. M. week-days- 2:00. 4:00. 5:35.
and 5:40 P. M. dally 6:55 A. M. Sundays.
FoliO Boston without change 7:40 A. M. week-days and 6-35 P. M. dally.
For Baltimore. 5:00 6:15. 6:55 7:40. 7:50 8:50 10:00 10:50 11:00 A. M.
12:01 12:35 1:20. 2:00 3:16 3:30 4:00 400 Limited 4:20. 4:45 4:48 5:35 5:40. 6:10. 6:50.
7:15 7:45. 10:00 10:40 11:35 M. and 12:80 night week-days. On Sundays. 6:55.
7:50. 8:50 S-05. 10:50. 11:00 A. M.
12:01. 1:15. 2:00. 3:15. 3:30 4:00 400 Limited 4:20.
4:45 5:35 5:40. 6:10. 6:50. 7:15 7:45 10:00 10:40 P. M.
and 12:30 night. For Annapolis. 7:40 8:50 A. M. 12:35 4:45.
and 5:40 P. M. week-days. Sundays. 8:50 A.
M. 5:40 and 10:40 P. M. For Popes Creek Line 7:50 A. M.
and 4:43 P. M. week-days 9:05 A. M. Sundays.
Ticket offices corner Fifteenth and. streets and at the station. Sixth and streets where orders can be left for the checking of baggage to destination from hotels and residences. Telephone call 40" for Pennsylvania Railroad Cab Service. Dining Car.
General Manager. Paser Traffic Mgr. GEO. W. BOYD General Passenger Agent.
BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. LEAVE STATION New Jersey ave. and it. Royal Blue Line Trains Every Other Hour on the Odd Hour" to Philadelphia and New York. 7:00 a.
en. Diner Pullman Parlor. UI. Buffet Parlor. hr train.
900 a. In- Diner and Pullman Parlor Car. 111:00 a. in. Diner and Pullman Parlor Car.
1:00 p. in. Diner and Pullman Parlor Car. 8:00 p. in.
Royal Limited. All Pullman. 5:00 p. m. Dicer and Pullman Parlor.
p. in. Coaches to Philadelphia. 8:00 p. in.
Coaches to Philadelphia. 11:30 p. m. Sleepers. 2:87 a.
in. Sleepers. Atlantic City a. m. 5:00 p.
m. Every Hour on the Hour To Baltimore with Pullman Service. Week days 2:57 5:00. 6:30. 7:00.
7:20. 8:00. 3:35 9:00 9:30 10:00 11:00 a. in. 12:00 noon 13:05 1:00.
2:00 3:00 4:00. 4:45 5:00 5:65 6:33 6:00 6:80 7:00. 8:00. 10:00 11:30. 11:65 p.
in. Sundays 2:57. 7:00. 70 8:35 9:00. a in.
1:00. 1:16. 5:00. 5:30 5:00 5:30. 6:30 8:00 10:00 11:30.
11:35 p. m. Westward. CHICAGO and NORTHWEST. a.
in. 5:35 CINCINNATI ST. LOUIS. and LOUISVILLE. 1006 a in.
4:05 p. in. and 12:45 night. PITTSBURO and CLEVELANJJ 11:00 a in. 9:15 p.
m. and 12:40 night. COLUMBUS. 5:30 p. in.
WHEELING. 10:05 a us. and tJO p. in. WINCHESTER.
t8l5 a m. tios. :00 p. m. ANNAPOLIS.
week days. 8:00. 8:35 a in 12:05 noon 4:45 6:00 p. in. Sundays.
8:35 a. in. 6:31 and 10:00 p. in. FREDERICK.
59:15 510:05 tllW a. in. 1:15 t4 5. p. in.
HAGERSTOWN a. in. and t5O0 p. m. Boyd and way points SI5 a.
in. 51:15. t5 35. 510:15 p. in.
OAIiHERSBLRG ann way points. :15 a. in. SO 51:15. t3 9:05 t5JS :50.
17:3 510:15 tllIO p. in. Washington Junction and way points. SS It a. m.
51:15. p. so. Dally. cept Sunday.
Sunday only. Baggage called for and checked from hotels and resld nc by Union Transfer Company on orders left at ticket offices 619 Pennsylvania ave. ow. York ave. and 15th St.
and at station. S. B. HEGE. District Paaeenger Agent.
SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Schedule effective December 4 1904. Trains leave from Pennsylvania Station. 7:85 a. m.
Local for Harrlsonburc. Warrenton Danville. and way stations. 10:51 a. m.
Dally Washington and Florida Lixn ited. First-class Coa hea and Sleeper to Columbia. Savannzb and Jacksonville. Dining Car Service. 11:15 a.
in. Dally United States at Mall First- class Coaches and room Sleeper fo New Orleans. Dining Car Service. 401 p. m.
Week Days- Loeal for Harrlaonburf and way ttatlona on Manauas Branch. 4:55 p. in. Dally Local for Warranton and Char- lottvtile. 3:3,0 p.
so. Dally New York and Atlanta. Expreu. First co ch to Atlanta. eper to Columbup Oa.
via Atlanta. Sunset Rout. Tourist Sleeper Washington to San Francisco Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. 1:50 p. m.
New York and Florida Expre. Through coaches and sleepers to Columbia Sa yannait. and Jacksonville. Sleeper to Augusta and Port Tampa. ear Service a la cart.
10:00 p. in. Dally New York and Memphis Lim ited via Lynchburs First-data coach and sleeping car to Roanoke KnoxTllle Chattanooga and Mamphis sleeper to New Orleans. Dining-car Service. 10:45 p.
in. Dally Washington and Southwestern Limited All Pullman trains club and observation cars to Atlanta and Macon sleepers to XaihvUl Atlanta Macon Memphis New Orleans. Dining- car Service. TRAINS ON THE BLUEMONT BRANCH. Leave Washington week days 8:10 a.
so. 3:39 in. 4:46 p. in. 5:00 p.
In. for Bluemont p. In. week days for Ltesburg only. Sunday trilns av Washington 9:10 a.
in. 5:05 p. m. for Blu moot. Through trains from the South arrive Washington 6:42 a.
m. 6 a. in. 9:45 a. in.
10:15 a. m. 8:01 p. in. 9:30 p.
m. and 9:50 p. m. dally. Local trains front Harrltonbnrg.
11:55 a. in. week day and 9:20 p. in. dally.
From CharlottesvlU 8:25 a. in. and 9:20 p. m. dally.
Tickets. sleeping-can reservations and detailed Information cn had at ticket once. 705 ISA St. 611 Pa. aye.
and Pennsylvania Station. Baggage checked thronghtrom hotels and residences. Phone 1640 for P. R. R.
Cab Service. C. H. ACKERT. Gen.
Man. a. H. HARDW1CK Pas Traf. Mrr.
SW H. TAYLOE. Gin. Pass. Ageat S.
Effective November 27. 1904. 4:20 a. ni. Dally Sleeping Cars York Jacksonville.
Fla. 3:46 9. in. Dally Sleeping Cars New York Jacksonville. Pla New Yorkto Port Tampa.
FU- via Jacksonville New York to Augusta Oa. New York to Charleston. S. C. Washington.
D. C. Wilmington N. C. Connects at Petersburg foe Norfolk.
A. L. REED. District Pssngn Agtnt nathlngton D. C.
Cu. Pas Apt. Traffic Manager. 0 t4 1 14 I ll WA GqllEOST 1HRIAYDE I SL19JJJ. ANT ANIFACTREW ma oopenmensspWtysho UB Wahgon retalg 5.
maager. wlrn Is' hveal ret proft mu thave ch opporunity tor Addressat AUFAC ce. WANTAGENTS EAESEN evercl ty tow cmmlsslon fr-clss mennted alplTHENATIONAL SELLNG Ne AEDJL WANTJ' LAUNDRE LA VE ciYitare waites 8 orker buter 101 NYai GfNLN orotherwle knowig prospltlve purchaers elwte ay payment. w1fnd i proftble addrs tul paUcuar CONFIDENTI thi Cmc MAE. WANTEDAAOF 1ILITY slesman iocery trde opprtuniy Jrade wo Is.
handlng bst tre. atldot gv exerenc. 1 ANTEDI HOTL BEL whie' BURGES IOE AGEXC. 5 WA EDTWO EN SEL air com pn aded honorbl Wil paries. Cal Colorad Buiding.
WA THREE forhotes. ApplyDICKS AGIXCYlth Ie NTEDBREAD 1 180 pstrr tod vu DICKSHOrEL laave. I TELLICE MY ERN cmldln uew pspfr oi pay fororlln apr tm. eaIanlnl fo Jrlulan PRES Lckpor C. INEMAKERS atque mahogn e' OLE CURISITY 8 1th st WANTEDIN GOOl CHOI Icesot cun ml wih lce tec el god Addrss VA TEDTWO ACIV.
weeklysaary opprtuniy gve Qualf atons. TEtS. 8 ew FEMLE. WA TElPEIE CED pplY IrmedlatelY ROO Buiding. EXPEIEXCED oor torc a n.
LEOF. BtCIBIAN. VA TEDWHITE WO IA" GE hOtsew fop lrvate famiy 4 GC st ANTEDEXPERIE CED CASHIER saleswomn noton nd 103. 1 A TED EPERIE CED mal 1 INTELIGET MY EAN Incme eorpodle newpaper orl pa tie cnvasln end rlcular. NORrERNPRFS tkp LIVI GTN.
PATER" Drfsscutns. Designing. Ldles' Swing Schol 12 WANTED-PLACES FR CO IPEEN' rtf MAE. WA TED PAN buter sItuaton 1tJanuar faml re th APAN ESE. Annapols.
YOLNG boiers. tal- lyor Est. COMPEENT STE OGRAPHERA experienc. ownng desirls positon legl nalsic. frm Congresan colege an gadate.
12 tce. WANTEBY HONET. man waier 1np1vate famiy ousework beore 1 217 t. EPERIENCE. fnerg positon ref.
ofce. gadute lke evening. 186 ofce. UIOR CLRK siton f.rst-clsss drg experletce MILER i st BY TOROUGHLY bit compent care cfe frnish bihes' rlt. 1' thi WANEDEPERT lw gaduate.
cerk WGld arerl evenings Addss 10X ofce. FEMAE. ANTEDBYlW COLRED' GIR. ces chmbelmald watress. fat xart te a Cal are 1 ANTEB RELIAE Jtoe.
tats gentslaudr Cal lt. WA EDBY COLRED i launde to. tae home out. 1t WANTEDBY PROFESIAL kichen mad tall176 WTEDPLc MANAGEROR Jt wage HOUS EPE. ce.
ADBY COLR plac a frt-class ZG lt ne WATEDBY NURSE ce Invald travelig Adtress tc YOUG LY sPEIR EUCA. nd experienc pition stenopher 12. th ofce. maids imald janitor. ter frished at1U BUSINSS CHCES hSmali Fortu mont thee 5 retrned thrle 51 J.
Lt CH CENTRA catonwel equippe. 0 brn CAPITA BUSIKES JHA GE. Atanic Duidlng. WOLESALE LIQUOR BtSIN S. 0 receljts aVtr age'S daly.
CPITAL BCSINES CUAWEAtantc IS WIL. have 3 hve Icm1tymoney preterred Addrss 10. fce. EXCHNGE. Te equty abut U1 a rlublelot oelrabl pat norbeu squar frm' Dulnt Cirle.
01 nreet Cr must II Iod conditon. tat 1t lable ful dearlpton ler RARE CH CE" tl omc Em JO MS. GOTOFU DS' BUREU. 7 tu. roomsD3dor fats FURNISHD LRGE WEL HEATE rom smal wlh 131 I IN i mely by sther.
amp1cloft wattrhfat Iorelainbt I 13. Rono ec locaton baUI9UO THREFNICEL rocms 1 pr- mittd. 217 lrH PARLR 1t tQcr foor oher eslrableQ ms trnfents 14 A ABOV' WILAD Lre wel or ht WELLFUR. ROO NEr 143R. IRGE IAL I togethr Inhouse WI SOU- foorroom smaler excelent 2 LRG I iil tilms rea'j sonablt.
10 I furnihed wcI I seprte reasonabll. 1 NT FtR. SRCOND lolthern XDosur wih wihout. rl VF wel he ef 3lool :1 FAlILY IE secondstor rom bat 17 RENT Vel wel locaton terms Appl' 81 lR TWO EWYAND ttul foor smal ate' famiy neat res. LAY parlortoor kichen osure rlasonable.
15 ADJONING HA nLTON accommodated LRGE FUn i famly 6 tdH ntat IQaton 1 3 I I ELY FGR SUTES slnlle room. wih diagona- or p. Ietropoltan' led. I EGANTL wel lghted FUR DRA WING contnental Arlngton 115 STORY lnes. I ROOM514 centr FUR 2 n6r Circe 136 1th TWO 13 WEILcFUn FLR RO IS COW munlctns.
suie. 170 RENT-NEWLY FR smal famiy 40 ParI WITHBOARD ton' ct arch lQ. Pro rl tors hotfll. roomrentng wi fnd rtglster frm. wi oblgate 1 flt I sufcent quanttes stsfactory registr' onlev Dolar 00 reg sttrlng wih us.
tolow- known man Firt reiatonl Bel. Dal Comfor Cl. MParker Republcnat. Aist Chle t. Penion Ha Duldlng.
SuP 1. Admira 1. Falk Coloralo Buldlnr. Chlrmn Inaucurat0n 190. Harison' Dlnsan.
1. Deputment 140 BeauUfulwarm srice refned ROO alove roundngs 16 NliR CAPITOLROOMS 1th excelent a- son ble Idrlad nt. LARE. HETED rll. wl excelent bard smal tamlr.
OVERLOKING FRANKLN PARK 1 unny In. FULLR. 91 18H Veo' lage frnt wit tble boarder accommodated 14 ass. Rooms. eJchangld.
1 101 rom tble moderte. 182- HG. lare bard. 27 S. FLOR expoure 101 14THST.
HOEL COCAN Dlghtul. super1r CLU IIA HEIHTLARGE wih rd 134 Yae 10 lte specialy desirble gentemen trnsients. 1. tEW- EEANTLY suie. wih Grntplace.
10n 13H ST. LYINGSON- AtracUverooms ad H1H ST. suie sln le ate bths. FCR WrrH' boar. pleant.
ud 6 1 daver centa smal famiy idIls. 1'1 ST. ROMS I waterflerc boled trasients FR WITH toor transiet mobtd. 19 9 MANAGEE T. Frakln tble board RS.
TERRELL 131 ROOMS. stem per or tble tansients. nrt cls we 1" 12 ST. SOREH I lei-Handsome apartment boad. 1414 TIJL b3dconvenlent al car I.
NW. ROO IS. suie. wih frt-class locaton te retse ROOM. I BOAR.
LRGE WLHEATED I wih bord aso" rom. wih coet 140 1th PEPO- frst-clas' tourist acommodate IlgVERlIONT THO A r00ms wih bOrd refE. ALINORE rnerlyHotel altmore. 1511 anI orx' tnde ne. manacmenl.
Centrly lo. ute oTerlOkine Whte round. rnova ed. het. Flrtcla.
tble. ad Spcial In uce- mnttr familel. WOtDE. LOA Crcle. Frtcan stet het elevtr aerlce ad rom.
bat. oderte rte Trnsle acco A SHEIDAN AV. 1th lne st- tODS 1 busiess ciy. lghts tugh su sll wel Bllafd pnd gests. 11 Ver tanslent Capiol.
RS. 1 10Tl FCR ROOlIS cosets saniary 1057 W. CUTLER- 100rs wel :8 CENTRAL 0 Ine wih PST. PRIVATE 100r font communictng suie exchange. UR ALL' 15 fut.
I delrP 12 6th Cavlol UFURNISHED. ROMS. htat 1 THEBEST dt 1 9 UFURNISHED. I T-171 ST. I 2dfoor al con chidren.
i WAND-ROOMS. I GTLEIAN I 1th. and :1 wih NOlhern prepaltd fruis flJe dres ofce. VANTDROOMS INAtGtRA- OU fled wih excelent Wrie partculars 29. WANTED-BY COtPLE.
CHIL rcoms ig. 2 foor good locaton ofce. ANTED FR nnd ofce. I fn ttnants. 129 WITH I WA TED I famiy answlring fuly.
locton. B. ofe. BOADING. SUPERIR fned famiy.
vtry Capiol thl ofce. TH Under wetk. DO OHOE. anaJer. AN FOUN.
I LnST- RIGHT I twten IVP returing fye. TOP smal re- ST. 3. tger Rtward I Iddrt5s. LOST ARD sik siver umbrela Initals I wil rOld ad lberal FRO I 176 CORCORAN ST.
Suible ALLIATOR POCKETBOK WOOTTON'j 81 LOS CAPITL golr case I 121 I LOST-ALL HOUSE terrt 92 L. ER ONALS. fcr Is you nfus wil cal 101 161 cal 2 ny YOI sa this fTAND. 69 WANTEDI prce dlEs' gntemen' chldrens ha ts wi. cal houl.
TAR SHES 18 st 49. sule 24 Buiding. 1th nev lcend relable confrtntal phones ofce. 11nln 136. BRDFORD.
5' 13h 31 Main ITELLGET A WIOW. me 00 anl hUlbln AETX. Bdg. 11. cat clothing.
geT temens postal wil 13 7thw. 1T I WANTEDHIGHEST cutot cothes gente- chldrens wil cal tme. 131 HIHEST cstor gtnte- chldrens 1l cal tme. KIBESKY 13 I Mslcling Mis aslstant fclp Treatment. foor front RENCE Malcurlne.
5 10 st Man 4. Maicure. 6 sm. MR. MA ICURING Shapooing Paror.
12 merlYwlth me derte ares hours FORTUE Ria palmit. an crd 7 2a 5 baas ad pates atended 10USS I 10USES. EL GAT RSIENCES. Seec Secins te Cit. FAIR RICESACC01ODATIG TEU.
SECFC LATOS VYERS WIHHE f' BY REQtEST OW ERS Frm anN It. sera dUChUu reedence Prics. fU50 :0.00. Ecb MUI ae. om Sherdan Circle 101 S300.
av. lUl av. 00 JI. It ner' 1. st.
au. :0.00. I 1tb. el reldenc. Prl CI 30 500.
t. 50. Caloria av. n. lne locaton.
outook. SI5Oo. Isand ae. ner Prl O. ahlnaton Helght trm 0 5000.
Helcht. 5000. Ech prpertes abve I. Wt 1 hult. I PECTED PERfIT THS OBREN Inc Mane SAJrUSES.
IALL CTINS. EVRY ZE ls propettss eaato he Wahng. Jnket to-day. OwnU. eee.
rroprty Inow fe clHle epoiing kno. I eUfaure promncrt Ind dtte 01ce I uleoand tecaUe lues IIjorl nt. LST. 71 I A' INESTM In. ay aecton.
wl uv tme appli us FARFAX 10' I Only4OOO. fo bric lat storle rentng secton 1at ha fve lag. room' oulsd. laht I Iled 1at. Isge celar.
nicely I pred Plat glas epaate entrancefor ech lat. fgured baI. Realy St PROPOSITIN On aro To vr 1 1n. lhe Ith cbaer. wlbln 1 b.
plesed anyone In BFONDA :1 DERLY Buiders. I SALEATTRACTIVE. buit oms 2st 32 0. I I 131 FOi SALE-FOR 1ioTWO SQrJlES I 000 uh 106 ST. ner Columblaroa buit Suth exposrO foor buit Ylars uO' I i LANDLRD I 10 2 0 S2 I ful partculars.
cal lus. Connectcut 61 1th w. 52. A ATMNTS. Moder Buidings.
do tor' ofces 88 17h Apartment. 2 130 Ofce suie. foor 6 1th Sl0. Westcot Stor noGS tu. th1mo THE I roore 4 75 least bel frst foor vestbule.
GE 136 I 5 htat publc serice arImd 13 st CHPI CaUl Chpin. orth M. anl 1 beauttul aparmenla. wlhout 1ord untr. snlce OFFICES.
RENT H2 locted ver 12 Yorl I 3 VERY I ofces Capiol heat. lght. janior 1 pr AN I' cariages belonging I rubber eXenslon ad rubber SH 3 rubber lght extenslon elegnt lght itori Brewstlr tta undfr wih' rUmIl. Brewstlr twent al runabqut harutss gen1ssddlls lver gand stylsh fne automobie. al AtTOMOBILE STOR CO.
40 4 14h stred 2 pEr I MtST I conformaton. wih ful descripton. Centervle. dt FR SALE-A HORE Buid- i 8 LRGE DRA da ad ANTED2 HEA YY suiable tarmwork guaranted. stt.
prlceand A ofce. SPlCIL ATRCT 01 brucham. taton acou eacn Jus ncn THOS REPOITRY. I P. ae wi Interet cal.
a ae ti. baplns ha ol lare ac' buslnl dITT 1d. I FOR RENT-HOUSES. THOMAS FISHER CO Inc. REAL ESTATE.
198. qFrNISED. :108 16th nw4rJ40 1553 I nw. 7rbJ5000 111 I nw. Dr.
SbLSISCO 148 1th nw9rb500 171 Pa av nwsaf50J 1519 0 nw1Ob0.53 11 Mass aHr bsl5 728 20th nw8rb0 1714 Conn nwlr 21 21 Iw.lOr.b..OJO Ul lILIt nlrbiS 10S 017 0 n1r2bS00 Quincy st. or tt at Ol I n1r2bS00 ow. 6r. 3400 hpln 13r2b90 HOG Chapln nwSrb3500 HOI Stbtoo n12rb90 107 Chapin nw9rb850 1:01 nw. Orb316667 24 1th irb350 13 19th nW12r3b1500 ockvlle IdHrbOO iOI lUh nw16r bI 50 2020 lth n.
r25CO :1 11r 17r0 2 8 Fla av n6rb250 2017 0 nIrbl00 121 Irb2500 IS av1r2b8500 68 no 6r.b..23.i H2' Ia. n12r2b850 1' 7r.b..20.5 Hrer pi ow. 132 e. 7rb205Q 13r. 33 1st ne 6rb00 182 avIr2b15O 838 lit ne.
6rb2040 15. n. lrb150 338 lt ne. trb2040 2034 Hiyer nw10rb500 220 1h ow. rb200 403 Coon av10rb000 Lt 1.
quae 6350fer 1913 nw1rb600 67 lie 2969 RandolphIOrb600 211 Quincy nerb100 120- n10rb6000 2513 35 nw. 1620 15th nwlOrb5500 94 Snows r1 nwSr730 2020 1lh n. 13r. b50CO Farm. 45 acre.
nwS0 108 rom S. 116 nRm 70 100r. 00 a' nw. 2r. 1 155 nw.
10 123 an 657 n. 141 n. lr.S n. 15 1 620F 33 11 S5 COL LFCTI RET AL CLSSES par lst properte. 11 tur Ish bulletn.
applcaton beng of- lce mal. 11 ew Wllrd. I AV. I lne delcbtui hcuse 1 lh tl0 I ths 114 1 II 1 LOZO Dil Bulding. I 61 Wblney av.
nw. lat. 0. n. 1130.
Boen rndo lage delng 0. ner Cst. 1 31 New AS. 90 n. GI 1 nw.
tled bulers cel 51 itv bah 125. od trame' cai 1:0.5. REN'-OLORED cas 2 1. 27h aY. 13 5.
RENT-32 EST. celar GLNCY Bldg. THE 1 w. 45 92 FUR ROOM TLD BAT 5. bargan.
CRRIE 3. GEORGETOW REA ESTAT. splendd ho es promsing propositons mert attenton al lookg it Tre. home st ner Pice. 750 To 291 nea 80 houl 241 trace bncan 500 Shoemaker Rel Estate Inc.
1:3 av. Crek. Wet Phon 4. WATEDHOUSES. YOU 80 0 ton prie.
a ELDRIDE 131 i housl. lot. ubulan an tars li 11 rnt tem olce. us' tnl cnvinced BALARD II Eatte. Lan.
Inurnce. UUG St SUBURB N. SUBDIISION. beautful ca In. norh.
es Dltrtcl. oontalnlnl. lT" acrel. abuttnl swe. I perecUy.
Sml houss pa Ld tte exminaton furihe. son. 90 FI DERBIRN LNDLRD 0 0 I ful partIcular. rop telt- cal lus- page boklet Connectcut Avt- 61 1th tel 6 HEWITING. WANTEDTYPEWRITING pate acurate thr efce.
TPEWRITI A. Dlclton tkn nyhere tenolapher ar laduate I tewrtns hOJe mnlrpt I' rnlsd corted laUer mlmolapbed. Ipelall. Addr. STEO.
thl or- lce. DICATE LTERS paper Noure. oapher tyewiter. iColoradt Buiding. aound DENITRY.
TEE WITOUT PLT E- tractng no fel act I st than-natural shrnken noral ILON 1 at LGANOTCES A DUVA ANn A LEFICH SINCLAIR AtoreyIn Suprme Curt ofteDlstnct holing a In mater openlnC connectng eat Zoologcal Park th DI9rlct Columbia 6. Dstrict Cort doket Notce 1 by gven the loners Distict Clumbla pr vions Congess approve Aprl 219. entited nng connectng eRst Zologcl alkDI9trlct Columbia" fed petton demnaton ntcessar Adal :11 In' Lnier Htlght. Park ffy fet bound an' Zoologcal ad connectng avenu wit Ilgle ffy Zologcal Pak. tleln ofce ComissIoner a mp sld Comissioners peiton Ehibi No1 that jur Bven prson tereed I serice Distrct th Unied Stltes Marhal DLtrict asses aforeaid conJcctng condemnaton purpses open BSS benefts reultng retrom.
ac of 1 the' th' 7h Decembr 190. that al persons be. bfore contne untl cour shalhae fn 1 ratfying confrming a wad ad aSEe sment btnefts jur to Is- th1 notce pubUshedonce Vashlnton Lw Va9higon publshed btore Januar 19. It I notce Unied deputes. ow- lad conemned trct sad da anuary.
19 A HLY LOULD. JUBtce. Asistat Clerk I S1PREME ISTRICT Daniel V. agaret a. Eqult o.
retred lle trustee dltrlbutol fund notce wi ence DECE BER 1. audltor1 Unitd Stat. Cououse ciy. Sl aglnst te Carol ae noUled wih tme JAM PAY E. de115 StPREIE TE DSTICT No.
Thll scribr. ColumbI. obtlned Pbte ttmenlar Al perona deceaed ar wUed ellblt sme wih vouel. lgaly ublcrl1 er. bfore A all benella 7h Dcembr 19.
RWLNGS. JA ES TAER Wi. th Court Atelt SEI JO ES TE DISTICT Proble o. This notce h. Pobate DItrlc leler admlnlstrlon otherlse knon a Thompsn.
Dllrlct Columba. calml cead herby eblbll Itb Toucber legly authentcated. ubsrlber or- exluded al benelt sad etae 194. L. A TRtST PAKER.
Treaurr JA IES Regster Wls the I DIstict Court LRIER I S1PRIE C01RT HE DSTRICT J. ett tnknown Helr Veron3 aso a Feron. detendat. :0. Tbe patton' sl.
numbred eleen quae se seYenty-eljht i8) Whlnlton Ditrict sid Ie ofce sid DistrIct moton Septembr. orderd. heir deviee knon eppeaace btor. lnt rle cour. eclusv holdays.
1rst publcaUon othenlle wi be a cae. de- taul. publsbed twce sid WuhlnKon Lw Reporr Wah Igon Po I. CLABA1GH. Chie tce.
Test Seal 7. LTMERAsltant Clerk a Solcltou. a29. oc1. 21.
nolO. mCELLAOUS. OF foor steaD laying. 5 207. CREARYS.
SEL DIA IONDS. alver. paw tckets. jewelr. ABRAHMS.
co Diaond 4 9h WANTEDPOOL TABL GOD dlton reglaton 1. ofce. ANTEDFNTKE. STOVS. A1" uprllht pinos caqh sel our th JosL moneY furniure paked shpmet OOD sts ANTEDPRNTURE FLL 30 room hotel 2 conteIts menton artcles.
1 245. SIVER jewel csh prce. 86 HAND FRNACE. condiion S25. COSTLLO.
FOR SAL CEURY tonay. cas. 6. BUTLE For Va SAERIGINAL antque clok. Slnlng hal chars lahog.
dlnng tbles. drwers. battefeld ptach orgnal bulets aso mhogany vtry magnifcent antque vaes al csh. 202 FR SAL CT- sol pahogany dnig mahcny matrtsses chltonleres. leather miror.
dresser mus ca lbrary ta- 13 SALEAN ETABLISHED SEET tai buiding. excelent wil concer InJ' connetion 1 I 4 I S. 1904. i stoe1flWaahIngton retallthg25O. wfl1run I I 1.
i IneveT WANTD-LAUNDRES 18 GLEMENEMFLOY old 4 MA andwho WANTED-SIX WANTED nen WANTED-THREE a. WANTED-BREAD threeasslstant e. rwork I A I oP. WANTED-IN CHOIR.SE11V- o1ee1n training-from WANTED W.tNTED-.EXPEBIENCED i N. Ap- a WHITE housew rk ve WANTED 1 rt IcuIai.
t. WAXTED-J i 1t I cd. 3 i- L. 1. WANTEDBY tonpositlon A thst de BY stnw WANTED-BY WANTED-BY PLACE WANTED-BY 1 ZOGstne WANTED-BY tiound.
12O I saviugmake BUBXNS. ageO i saIuabIeiot or ye- BOOMS. i3thfor ard 17 11OH flocrtwo i429 Large WELL VERY RENT-NICELY withoutboard 1l t. RENT-GENTLEMEN NEWLYAND parlorioor. ex- aw.
NW. Metropolitan-Club 15 ROOMS-1814 roa. COM iteelf I. ROOMS Sunny ST. LARGE I Bu- NW.
em s1 nd re i7 RENT-1714 WANTED-BOOMS. WANTED-ROOMS we Under WI LOST-IN ON 21 I 560000 WANTED-HIGHEST FAIRPaZcES I Had. 7000to5O000. II the wellfeature and ectlOn i I Sale SALE TWO w. 200 tors' WICOMICO225 1x at.
INSIJRANCE 1414 M. 248 and 3398. tFTRNIS3iED. nw24r4I2400 nw Il7 ow 1248 11th nwSrb 4500 1711 nwaitl500 nw10rb4053 1411 av14rbSl500 8 uwSrb. 40 00 nwllrl200 821 awlOrb 4050 110 nwllrbiiS0O 1105 nw7rb5550 nw12r2bl0O0 it let 2001 nwlIrlb81000 Or llr2b.
8900 l40 nwllrb900 1407 nwSrb2500 2420 14th Trb3500 1i2 nwlrlb15000 ockvilIe ti ta nwIGr2b12500 nw. u43 nwl7r I I500 HS nw6rb 2500 nw12r2b. J0000 1211 nw. lS22 av14r2b3300 Mass nw12rZb8500 134 irb2050 2Nd he. 334 6rb 2040 1824 av13rIb7500 no 1757 ow.
llrb 7500 lit ililIyer nwlOrh75O0 2020 12th 4rb. 2000 4103 avlOrh8000 Lot 1 square 63SOEer nw12rb. 6000 trb1850 RandolphlOrb6000 218w ne4rhlS00 1204 nwlOrb6000 ow 942 re 2020 12th ow 13rh50t0 acres 000 4109 nwllr2b5000 B. a Ow100 floors. 5100 848 3.
110 ow 50 3310g. ow.910115 will 3BATBS185 eam 5 room ow at et. RENT-COLORED clas RENT-332 A Two housesranginginprice 8000to us. ho A TYPEWRITING on' rou the.Distnct Park 28 Jalk id acV It th1 i CO- No. Tiiii be No.
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